Sunday, December 26, 2010


ok Mrs. Clause does all the cooking, decorating, shopping, wraping,planing, organizing, aranging yet santa gets all the credit. God forid mrs clause gets sick or tired ecause the happiness of all the kids rest on her. yet santa who only delivers everything gets all the credit!!! This mrs. clause is glad christmas is over LOL and may sleep til next year..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Santa's Comming

If your house is like ours the kids are all excited for santa next week. we sent a video santa gram to our kids from the our kids loved it santa said their names and they saw their picture in santa's naughty or nice book. it was really cool. so check it out. this has been a tough year but 2011 looks so much brighter, we ahve twin girls on the way possible in march. Tim got an auto job friday he starts tuesday 12/21/10. i also plan to list weekly coupon deals here you can match up so keep visiting and praying for our family....

Saturday, December 4, 2010


She forgot to label Baby B's profile so i did it!!

Here are pictures of the ultrasound both babies are girls..