Sunday, December 26, 2010


ok Mrs. Clause does all the cooking, decorating, shopping, wraping,planing, organizing, aranging yet santa gets all the credit. God forid mrs clause gets sick or tired ecause the happiness of all the kids rest on her. yet santa who only delivers everything gets all the credit!!! This mrs. clause is glad christmas is over LOL and may sleep til next year..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Santa's Comming

If your house is like ours the kids are all excited for santa next week. we sent a video santa gram to our kids from the our kids loved it santa said their names and they saw their picture in santa's naughty or nice book. it was really cool. so check it out. this has been a tough year but 2011 looks so much brighter, we ahve twin girls on the way possible in march. Tim got an auto job friday he starts tuesday 12/21/10. i also plan to list weekly coupon deals here you can match up so keep visiting and praying for our family....

Saturday, December 4, 2010


She forgot to label Baby B's profile so i did it!!

Here are pictures of the ultrasound both babies are girls..

Monday, November 15, 2010


ok i had my regular checkup and they do an u/s to check the HR so they go to baby A who is always on the right. moving but quiet the lady gets the HR 152. then she tries to get BabyB who started off on the left. then moved up top and then tried to go hide with Baby A. finally got baby B HR also 152 but it was not about to make it easy. Jonah my 4 year old loves to run and is under weight due to he loves to eat but runs it off before he can gain i think baby B is another Jonah

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kids in the park!!!!

these we took november 11th at the park. the little one is Ben, the blond is Jonah and the oldest is Noah... they love the slide and jungle Gym...


this is Jonah at church Noah took this pic

E- Mail companies

remimber 2 a day with christmas coming try these

hasbro (sent me a 3.00 one)
mars (LOL the candy)
and look for 6 more around your house

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Family News!!!

we are due to move just waiting on painters and contractors to a 3bdr where the rent will be alot cheaper. we are expecting twins april 11th still not sure on sex yet will know after thanks giving. but last visit they were both bouncing around. also on nov. 5th i'm due to teach a class on couponing...

Sunday, October 3, 2010


well i went for an ultrasound and found out we are having two babies. we don't yet know what the sex's are yet but we should know in a few weeks. so it looks like these little ones will arive in march instead of april 1st so all prayers are requested for healthy babies.

also Noah and Jonah were tested for autism and Thank God they don't have it just quiet kids who just seem to be alittle delayed in speach.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


plan on 2 a day here is my list for the week of the 3rd to the 8th

honey suckle white


arizona tea

O- cedar


fisher price

jimmie dean





di gorno


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


ok thought i was finished of diapers, breastfeeding and late night feedings.

but we just found out Noah will get a brother or sister on his next birthday.

but pray this ones risky due to i had GD with my last and my age!! on the other side we have legal issues because on july 6th i trusted my now 18 year old to babysit and he fell asleep in the 30 min and the state took my 6, 4, & 3 year old so all pray that the judge will see this case the way Normal people see it and return the boys.

Also My SWEET, LOVABLE, Baby Boy will be 3 Sunday 8/15/2010


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Abusive Goverment Power (CPS, DHS, DFS)

when your acused of a crime the state and goverment has to have evidence. you can not be convicted of here say and your innocent until proven guilty. yet DHS, CPS, DFS they don't need proof, logic, your guilty before they ever talk to you you have to poove your not. it's up to the workers feelings and not the law.. here are some stories and outcomes.

#1: A mom went to wal-mart it's raining hard and this mom has 4 kids 17 1/2 years, 6 years, 4 years and 2 years. she takes in the 6 year old to go potty and intrust the 17 1/2 year old to watch the little ones. after 25 to 28 min she returns to a lady yelling at her for leaving babies in the car, the kids are playing with the door and the 17 1/2 year old is asleep. the police come take everyone to the station and the 6, 4, and the 2 year old are removed from the home. the worker tells the mom she's fat and lazy and guilty of neglect for leaving the kids in the car. it was cool due to the rain and she'd been told many times that the 17 year old was old enough to babysit. yet now she has to move her 17 yr old away and go to court to get the kids.

#2 Dec 2009 A mom leave a 6 week old baby Angel Perez of north charlston SC in her car alone, idaling while she went in to drop off mail. the baby was kidnapped and found Thank God a day later and the baby was reunited with his mother, this story was nation wide so why did thisw mother not have her baby taken away?

#3 In 2005 a 37 year old mother leaves her 2 year old with 2 babysitters who go to sleep after child was in bed. later the child was out wandering the streets, both sitters were arested and the mother was not held responsible.

#4 in Missouri in 2009 A 3 year old boy wanders off while dad's asleep and mom's in the kitchen. starts a nation wide hunt for this child 3 days later the child is found wandering in a wooded aera, dehydrated, he is taken to the hospital where is is reunited with his parents, the parents were never investigated for neglect.

and finally #5 A couple in july 2007 live in a residental aera and dad leaves for work at 4am he locks the door knob. the mom's pregnant and gets up at 9am both her 3 and 1 1/2 year old are asleep in her bed so she goes back to lay down 30 mins later a police officer is knocking do to the 3 year old was found playing alone in the front yard. DFS investigates yet finds the family the parents installed high locks to pervent another escape yet they still stated the family was guilty of a lack of supervision, which allowed the state to keep an eye on the family.

like i said it's up to the workers who they target and who they charge. cases that should charged don't and some that shouldn't face charges loose their kids. they issue this line we are looking out for the best interest of the children. so it's good to tear a mom away from 3 little kids because a sitter messed up or leave a child with a mom that should have known better. Their are no laws' rules or guideline and these people are allowed to act first and cover their butts later.. the children suffer.. they say their goal is to reunite kids with parents yet on average when kids are removed it take 12 to 24 months to get them home.. contact you state reps and tell them you want child protection reform, laws and guide lines that are equal to all parents. that parents shouldn't be targeted more due to income, sex, race or disabilities. that their has to be evidence and not just what some neighbor says. they also need to get wise and realise their are people that use CPS, DHS and DFS hotlines as a way to gain revenge so in turn they can't just trust heresay but look for true evidence that shows abuse, neglect.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Caught in the act!!!!

ok Jonah and noah love camera's so noah and jonah have a kids camera and they are not allowed to play on mommy's yet noah took this pics of jonah LOL playing with mommy's camera. now the little stinker acually said he didn't do it LOL yeah RIGHT!!!!!!!!


last saturday i got an e-mail from it said hotmail security team they said they were working on cleaning out unused acounts and i had 24 hour to reply with my name, e-mail, password, DOB and country i live in. 3 hours after i was locked out of my e-mail and all my family and friends were e-mailed that i was in london stuck and needing money. it seem MSN has been told about this from mach 2010 yet they never send out warning. 2 days later my teacher got an e-mail from me with a virus attached that locked up her whole system so you need to watch and report it to MSN although they don't seem to be replying back. and get a virus scanning system

Monday, July 12, 2010

It only takes a second

as parents we don't realize how precious every little moment is. how easy it is to get tied up and forget to make the most of every day with our children. saturday july 3rd a family in our small town were enjoying a family reunion at the lake. they enjoyed the water and then the whole family went up across the parking lot to the playground and picnic area to enjoy a BBQ and fellowship with family and friends visiting for the holiday season. No body noticed & year old Jason go back accross to the lake. when his parents noticed him not there they franticly looked to their horror he was found in the water. he drowned all it took was a few minutes. earlier that day they had no idea what the future held, if they had they would have valued those moments with their son. we never know whats going to come tomarrow so remimber to say "I love you" every day. hold your children and love them don't let a second pass in anger at loved ones. None of us are promised tomarrow......It only takes a second for our lifes to be changed forever....

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

WALGREENS 6/27 to 7/3

Great deals this week

Popcorn Indiana we LOVE i got 4 bags yesterday and we have 1 left and the kids are trying to get to in to it now. our favorites are the Kettle Corn and the Movie Theater style. they also have sea salt, white ceddar and smoked ceddar i've not tryed those but the other two are so good i bet they all are and this company stands by the freshness or their popcorn. you can find out more information at and get to walgreens this week for the awsome deal the indiana pop corn and lays chips 1.99 and use the Popcorn indiana ss coupon for 1.00 in the 5/23/10 insert expires 8/31 THE GRAND TOTAL .99 cents.... i'm going to run out and stock up!!! i'geting 25 bags !!!!!!! Lays has 1.00/2 tear pad coupon bring the final total to 2.98 for 2 bags.

raid is 7.99 - instore coupon for $1.00 bring it to
6.99 but stack on the raid 3.00 ss insert coupon 5/23/10 expires 7/17/10 bring it to 3.99 go to for a printable B1G1 refill..

walgreens has these 2/ $4.00 use the maxwell house booklet coupon 1.00 off and get 2/$2.00 LOL i still have 30 out of the 60 i got FREE in april

Gillett ZFusion 9.89- 5.00 RR =4.89 - 4.00 PG insert 6/6/10 ex 7/31/10 for a grand total of .89 cents for a 10.00 razor

see what a great deal you can get using sales and coupons !!!

REMIMBER COUPONS!!!COUPONS!!! they work. you can always get the ones you need fron hotcouponworld link on the right. or

Monday, June 28, 2010

comming up this week

i'll post some deals and match ups and a list of HOT coupons out... remimber e-mail companies i'll supply a list later today but you all can e-mail your own. although soda companies, conagra, and lays always say no. so checkout later today and wednesday for special deals.

Monday, June 21, 2010

stockpiling and saving big

the bottom 5 post are pic of my stockpile i got mostly free, of at 75% off using coupons and combining them with hot sales. like 50 caprisun free, 50 snuggle free, free wipes, pull-ups 4.99, tide 1.99, all .99 and 50 boxes of purex for 7.89, 20 free koolaid squeezes. i use to think i saved buying store brands but now i increase my budget 50% if you have questions e-mail me i'm always happy to share my secrets. scroll down and checkout my stockpile pics. comments welcome,,,a great reason to stockpile is you get thing low and then the stores have to work to get you to shop. if you buy on demand you'll spend more for the items you need..


more pic

more pics

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers day!!!

Jonah my 4 year old made daddy a sign it said

my daddy is 60 years old
my dady is 6 lbs and 100 feet tall
my daddys favorite show is mickey mouse clubhouse
my daddys favorite color people
my daddy loves to cook craby pattys
my daddy loves to do dishes
my daddy gives me a bath
my daddy loves to read me jonah ate a whale
daddy really loves ME!!

LOL daddy is really 39
dady is really 225 lbs and 6ft tall but oh well
and the story is Jonah got swollowed by a whale


Saturday, June 19, 2010


i went to walmart wish i had my camera!! in the laundry soap aisle in the middle they had the 96 load bottle HE oxy stain release on roll back for 10.97 then on the encap they had the 40 load HE oxy stain release on roll back for 10.97 i was sop sure thise was a mistake i had the floor person check it she said it was correct and didn't see any issue with that. i didn't get either i got 6 bottles for $6.45 i compt each at 2.99 and use a 2.00 coupon so see how easy it is to cut the cost that means i got it for 2.5 cents a load. so this also teaches don't get wow'ed by store incaps they are not always a good deal. when i worked at walmart we used the incaps for new items and items we had to much of.


Matthew is 19 as of june 12 he's autistic and bi-polar. he lives in missouri with his fater due to with his autsim and bi-polar he was to agressive with his baby brothers. his dad was able to offer him one on one. anywayhere is Matthew alone, Here is Mathew at Graduration last saturday night also his birthday. and matthew at the prom last month.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hot coupon world

on the right is hot coupon world. i love this site. at first i was confused and took acouple of months for me to sign up but now i save 363.00 easy every month thanks to this site. if there is a coupon for an item it's on there data base put it on your wish list and the site will tell you everyone who has that for sale or trade. all the people are very easy to trade with. my best friend set me to this site and we both visit it all you newbies this is a BIG MUST get a membership here!!

Saving big on food and house hold items!!!!

couping can really save big. i know your thinking yeah .50 cents big deal. but there are ways to turn .50 cents into hundreds. here are some tips

#1 match coupons with a big sale. i had coupons for .75 off crest matched it with a .99 sale got it for .24

#2 stock up i got 20 tubes of crest

#3 go to store that double if possible.

#4 look for peelies, hang tags, blinkies and tear pads while on your shopping trip

#5 save all coupons even those you don't use this way you can use the others to trade for coupons you use.

#6 must join this year i saved 5000.00 last year alone thanks to HCW, ip sites , magazines and my news paper.

#7 the Sunday paper and All YOU magazine are valuable sources and here is a link where you can buy multiple inserts.

#8 e-mail companies i emailed 68 and 57 sent me coupons.

#9 when you buy a product and it isn't up to the standards email the product number and the company will compensate you.

#10 collect the box tops for education tabs you can also use those to trade with or help out your child's schools.

well i'm going to be searching for free sample sites that i'll post here. LOL i got kids begging for diner so i'll post more later.

Tips for today

Couponing really saves you can get stuff free. todays tip it e-mail companies. request coupons and tell them how much you love their product. But if you have issues with a product let them know. companies will compansate you. here are some companies to write today.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello all you mommy's out there

This is the first time i set up a real wedsite or blog.My name is Heidi I'm 40 (YUK) mommy i've had 7 YES!!! 7 BOYS!!!!!!!!
Jason 22 (this child is a free spirt)
Christopher(passed away in 1990)
Matthew 19 (he's autistic and bi-polar)
Joshua 17 ( will be 18 in august IF HE MAKES IT!!!!)
Noah 6 (just dignosed with autism)
Jonah 4 (stubborn wants to do everything for himself)
Benjamin ( sweet, smart and adventurous)

i was a CNA for 10 years in home health and a nursing home. worked at walmart 5 years. I met my husband Tim in 2001 in a christian chat room based on the left behind books. I love my God, Family and community. I feel us moms all share the same frustrations, Joys and conflicts. Having 1 child with severe autism and bipolar and now one with asbergers and also Jason my oldest is hearing impaired from birth in both ears. I know how frustrating it can be to have a challenge of raising a child with problems in today society. As moms we tend to take on the blame and the troubles of the world.

I wants to have a place to connect with other moms and share the issues we face and share tips on ways to make life easier.I'm what ABC calls an EXTREME COUPONER!!! in a year of using coupons i save more and get more than i ever did just buying off brands. I'd love to share my tips and secrets to make a grocery shopping Fun YES FUN and exciting. so pop in for tips on special deals..

As women we all know what it's like being a wife LOL you can also vent here. so welcome hope to hear from you all again.